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Gnocchi al ragu' bolognese semplice (Gnocchi with easy bolognese sauce)

Gnocchi are one of favourite italian dishes. When I was a child, my mother used to handmake gnocchi every Sunday morning. The good smell of the tomato sauce used to wake me up every Sunday morning and I knew what we were going to eat for lunch... Today when I can I make my gnocchi at home, when I can't I buy some fresh gnocchi at the italian crocery shop...  I prepare gnocchi with a very simple bolognese sauce, the original "Bolognese sauce" is very fat (using pancetta, butter and milk or cream) and has a very long cooking time. Try this recipe, you will not be disappointed  ; )
Makes 4 servings
500 gr fresh Italian Potato Gnocchi
400gr of beef mince
3/4 liter of tomato puree "Passata"
Half glass of dry white wine (red will also do  but I prefer the white one)
5 Tbs of extra virgin olive oil
1 small onion
1 carrot
1 celery stalk
2 cloves
Salt and pepper to taste
5 liters of salty boiling water

Preparing the bolognese sauce:
Finely cut the carot, celery and onion.
 Pour the olive oil in a sauce pan, when hot add the veggies mix. Cook till the onion get transparent;
Add the beef mince.
When well roasted add the white wine, make it evaporate.
Add the tomato puree. Add the cloves,  salt and pepper to taste. Cover and cook for 45 to 60 minutes.
Once the sauce cooked, place 5 liters of salty water on medium heat and brig o a boil. When the water is boiling add the Gnocchi one by one. Gnocchi are cooked when they come back on surface, do not overcook...
 Drain the gnocchi and place them on a serving bowl with the bolognese sauce.
 Top with grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.
Your Sunday "Gnocchi al sugo bolognese" are ready...buon appetito!


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